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F7DIBE - Biomedical Ethics

Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
F7DIBE ZK 20P+8C anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Larysa Kalashnikova
Larysa Kalashnikova
Larysa Kalashnikova, Ksenia Sedova
Předmět zajišťuje:
katedra biomedicínské techniky

Theoretical Foundations of Bioethics

Communication of bioethics and natural sciences

Biomedical ethics: goals and objectives of biomedical ethics, basic concepts and principles

Institutionality of biomedical ethics

„Open problems“ of modern biomedical ethics

The problem of life and death in biomedical ethics

Ethical dilemmas of the beginning of human life

Ethical comprehension of genetic engineering problems

Moral-legal aspects of transplantation

Biomedical ethics: basic concepts and principles; Institutionality of biomedical ethics; Ethical support of biomedical research; The problem of life and death in biomedical ethics.

Ethical dilemmas of the beginning of human life; Ethical comprehension of genetic engineering problems; Moral-legal aspects of transplantology; New reproductive technologies: the ethical aspect; Ethical issues of medical errors.


In the case of foreign lecturers, there will be a weeklong block of intensive contact education for the number of students at least five. If the number of students is less than five, the course will be self-study with consultations using VoIP (e.g. Skype) and a contact 1-or 2-day seminar. The contact seminar will take place at the FBMI or at the home institution of a foreign lecturer. The subjects are concluded by an oral examination. The student must elaborate a paper on a given topic together with the exam in case of the controlled self-study.

Two laboratory exercises are required for admission to the exam (attested by a protocol signed by the student, the tutor and the supervisor of the course).

The protocols will be archived in the Department for Doctoral Studies.

Osnova přednášek:

Syllabus of lectures:

Topic 1. Theoretical Foundations of Bioethics

Topic 2 Communication of bioethics and natural sciences

Topic 3.4. Biomedical ethics: goals and objectives of biomedical ethics, basic concepts and principles

Topic 5. Institutionality of biomedical ethics

Topic 6. „Open problems“ of modern biomedical ethics

Topic 7 The problem of life and death in biomedical ethics

Topic 8 Ethical dilemmas of the beginning of human life

Topic 9 Ethical comprehension of genetic engineering problems

Topic 10 Moral-legal aspects of transplantation

Osnova cvičení:

Syllabus of seminars:

1. Biomedical ethics: basic concepts and principles; Institutionality of biomedical ethics; Ethical support of biomedical research; The problem of life and death in biomedical ethics.

2. Ethical dilemmas of the beginning of human life; Ethical comprehension of genetic engineering problems; Moral-legal aspects of transplantology; New reproductive technologies: the ethical aspect; Ethical issues of medical errors.

Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:


[1] KUHSE, Helga, Udo SCHÜKLENK a Peter SINGER. Bioethics: an anthology. Third edition. Malden, MA, USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. ISBN 978-1-118-94150-8.

[2] VAUGHN, Lewis. Bioethics: principles, issues, and cases. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-19-518282-8.


[1] BEAUCHAMP, Tom L a James F CHILDRESS. Principles of biomedical ethics. 7th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, c2013. ISBN 978-0-19-992458-5.


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