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F7AMBTTZS - Television, Termovision and Endoscopy Systems

1. Very useful electronic informational source from the field of the technical standards regarding the IR thermography terminology:

Non-destructive testing — Infrared thermography — Vocabulary, 2013. ISO. Online. [Accessed 1 April 2023]. Available from the link here.

2. See also additional documents for the following chapters: introduction - classification of the medical imaging systems (here), TV systems (part 1, part 2), endoscopy imaging systems (part 1, part 2) and IR imaging systems (here).

3. Course F7AMBTTZS Television, Termovision and Endoscopy Systems is teached common with course F7ABBKZS Conventional Imaging Systems but only within the selected dates. Please, see schedule at the bottom below. From this point of view there will be described credit criteria during the first exercise. But all details regarding this issue are available on the webpage below.

Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7AMBTTZS Z 3 1P+1L English
Tomáš Dřížďal, Jiří Hozman
Jiří Hozman, Evgeniia Karnoub
Department of Biomedical Technology

History of television systems. Overview of television systems. Scene representation (linear transformation in 3D space, lens representation as collineation, projection). Image information (light, photometry, colorimetry, light sources, vision, quantitative description of image information, image spectrum). Television system. Physical limitations of resolution and correlation of image characteristics and system characteristics. TV system resolution. Creating video signal. Non-standard TV shooting. Black and white versus color TV system. Application of TV imaging systems in medicine. Physical quantities describing radiation and light. Physical laws for heat emitter. Principle of the operation of infrared imaging system and its diagnostic importance. Specifics of thermal imaging systems. Block diagram. Description of individual blocks and circuits. History of endoscopes. Types of endoscopes. Fundamentals of theory and practice of optical fibers. Flexible fibroscopes. Flexible video endoscopes. Light sources for flexible endoscopes. Image sensors used for endoscopes. Image processors. Monitors for video endoscopes. Endosonographic systems. Sterilization equipment. Automatic disinfectors for endoscopes. Standard procedures. Possible problems. Capsule imaging. Principle. Block arrangement. Wireless transmission and data processing. Possible complications.


Compulsory attendance at all exercises. The absence is possible only for serious reasons (documented). Completion of three tests for individual parts, which are 3 (TV, IR and endoscopic imaging systems) from the issues discussed within the lecture, respectively. has been announced in advance as a requirement of knowledge for exercise. Each test contains 3 open questions for 5 points (3x5 = 15 points) and 5 ABC questions (always correct at least one answer) for 1 point (5x1 = 5 points). Total possible maximum number of points gained from all tests is equal 60. 50 % points, i.e. 30 points from all tests there is required. There aren´t required minimum points for individual tests.

Syllabus of lectures:

Lectures (7 weeks/2 hours):

1. Course introduction and motivation. Assessment conditions. TV history. TV fundamental principles.

2. TV imaging system lens, image sensor, signal processing, display, TV cameras, TV signal digitization

3. IR imaging systems principles and functions, IR detectors, detailed arrangement and parameters of IR systems

4. Endoscopy introduction, endoscopic systems classification

5. Principles, description, structure and parameters of fiberoptic systems

6. Principles, description, arrangement and parameters of videoendoscopes

7. Development trends and technology news

Syllabus of tutorials:

Laboratory exercises (7 weeks/2 hours):

1. Laboratory exercises introduction, safety rules, assessment conditions, exercises syllabus, laboratory tasks description

2. Test No. 1 (TV systems), analog and digital TV signals (TV norm), color sensing and color image composition/formation

3. Colorimetry and color temperature, monitor calibration

4. Test No. 2 (IR systems), verification of absolutely black body physical laws

5. Verification of the IR camera parameters for medical applications

6. Test No. 3 (endoscopic systems), fibroscopes, videoendoscopes, accessories, preparation and maintenance of flexible endoscopes, cleaning and disinfection of flexible endoscopes (practical tasks within the company MEDINET in Kladno)

7. Fibroscopes, videoendoscopes, accessories, preparation and maintenance of flexible endoscopes, cleaning and disinfection of flexible endoscopes (practical tasks within the company OLYMPUS in Prague)

Study Objective:

The main aim is to introduce the basic principles of such imaging systems as TV, IR and endoscopic imaging systems and understand their capabilities and limitations of their parameters.

Study materials:


[1] Digital terrestrial television broadcasting: technology and system. Editor Jian SONG, editor Zhixing YANG, editor Jun WANG. Hoboken: John Wiley, 2015. The ComSoc Guides to Communications Technologies. ISBN 978-1-118-13053-7.

[2] Medical infrared imaging: principles and practices. Editor Mary DIAKIDES, editor Joseph D. BRONZINO, editor Donald R. PETERSON. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4398-7250-5.

[3] Principles of Flexible Endoscopy for Surgeons. Editor Jeffrey M. MARKS, editor Brian J. DUNKIN. New York: Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4614-6329-0.


[4] RING, Francis, Anna JUNG a Janusz ZUBER. Infrared imaging: a casebook in clinical medicine. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2015. IOP expanding physics. ISBN 978-0-7503-1144-1.

[5] Medical infrared imaging: principles and practices. Editor Mary DIAKIDES, editor Joseph D. BRONZINO, editor Donald R. PETERSON. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4398-7250-5.

[6] VOLLMER, Michael a Klaus-Peter MÖLLMANN. Infrared thermal imaging: fundamentals, research and applications. Hoboken: Wiley, 2011. ISBN 9783527630875.

[7] ROGALSKI, Antoni. Infrared detectors. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, c2011. ISBN 978-1-4200-7671-4.

[8] MINKINA, Waldemar a Sebastian DUDZIK. Infrared thermography: errors and uncertainties. Chichester: John Wiley, 2009. ISBN 978-0-470-74718-6.

Other study materials:

Educational video: Principles of BW television

Educational video: Principles of color television

Educational video: Image sensors

Educational video: Image displays

The course is a part of the following study plans:

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