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F7AMBMPV - Mathematical Methods in Research

Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7AMBMPV Z,ZK 6 2P+2C English
Jakub Ráfl
Eliška Friebová, Martina Homolková, Jakub Ráfl
Department of Biomedical Technology

The course deals with the following topics: methods of statistical analysis intended primarily for medical research - clinical, biological, biochemical, biophysical and other studies, methods of descriptive and inductive statistics, statistical epidemiological methods, hypothesis testing, group comparison (parametric and non-parametric methods), ANOVA, correlation and simple regression analysis, multivariate regression models, multivariate linear models, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, survival analysis etc., model calculations and interpretation of results.


Requirements for assessment:

Active participation in seminars. Excused absence from a maximum of 2 seminars. All assignments submitted according to the instructions.


The final exam is written. Only students who have obtained an assessment can apply for the exam.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Statistical procedures in medicine

2. Descriptive statistics I

3.Descriptive Statistics II

4.Hypothesis testing – paired and two-sample tests

5.Hypothesis testing – multivariate analysis

6.One-way analysis of variance

7.Contingency tables

8.Correlation and simple regression

9.Multivariate regression analysis

10.Discriminatory analysis

11.Logistic regression

12.ROC analysis and benefit-cost analysis

13.Survival analysis

14.Principal component analysis and factor analysis

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Calculations of basic parameters of descriptive statistics

2.Calculations of basic parameters of descriptive statistics II

3.T-tests, Mann-Whitney U-test

4.ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA

5.Examples of hypothesis testing in biomedical research

6.Contingence tables

7.Correlation and regression analysis

8.ROC analysis and benefit-cost analysis

9. Multivariate regression analysis

10.Discriminatory analysis

11.Logistic regression

12.Survival analysis

13.Principal component analysis and factor analysis

14.Interpretation of results

Study Objective:
Study materials:


MOTULSKY, Harvey. Intuitive biostatistics: a nonmathematical guide to statistical thinking. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-19-994664-8.

VU, Julie and David HARRINGTON. Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences [online]. OpenIntro Inc., 2021. Available from:


D'AGOSTINO, R. B., ed. Tutorials in biostatistics. Volume 1, Statistical methods in clinical studies [electronic source]. Hoboken: Wiley, 2005. ISBN 9780470023679.

D'AGOSTINO, R. B., ed. Tutorials in biostatistics. Volume 2, Statistical modelling of complex medical data [electronic source]. Hoboken: Wiley, 2005. ISBN 9780470023723.

RAYAT, Charan Singh. Statistical Methods in Medical Research [online]. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018. DOI: ISBN 9789811308277.

The course is a part of the following study plans:

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