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F7ABBMT - Medical Terminology

Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7ABBMT Z 1 1C English
Václav Navrátil
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Attendants are made acquainted with particular terms flowing from latin but also greek expressions during their lectures. Students are continuously informed about terms of whole diagnosis and therapeutical procedures. Education is combined with continuous knowlegde check up through the use of tests.


It was a database of 600 technical terms that are contained in the system Edubase. Each student gets access to the system using the login password received at the Study Department.

The student will be awarded credit for successful completion of the test, which will be computer generated from the above databases, and which therefore contains 100 randomly selected technical terms. The student, a time limit of 50 minutes to develop the test. The system evaluates the accuracy of answers indicating the percentage success and also detects errors, which the student made ??during the tests.

Students after logging into the system can during the winter semester any time to test your knowledge of medical terminology and themselves so they can use feedback to monitor the level of their knowledge.

Success = 80% (in the system).

Syllabus of lectures:

Course has no lectures.

Syllabus of tutorials:

This subject will start the second week of the semester.

1st Week: Introduction to medical terminology. The origin and significance of Latin for general education. Analogies and differences between Latin and Czech. Hierarchy of a sentence. Spelling and pronunciation of sounds.

2nd week: Outline of grammar problems. Gender-number-comparison-numbers-prefix-suffix. Declination - declinations survey. Anatomical structure of the term

3rd Week: I. declination - nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, Latin prefixes and prepositions, prepositions with accusative / ablative

4th Week: II. declination - nouns, adjectives, numbers serial, substantivování adjectives. Latin preposition and prefix

5th Week: vocabulary, repetition, continuous test

6th Week: III. declination - různoslabičná nouns, terminology, and performance interventions, nomenclature of tumors, inflammations

7th Week: III. declination - stejnoslabičná nouns, adjectives. Terminology unspecified illness and pain expression. Examples of diagnoses

8th Week: comparison of adjectives - regular, irregular

9th Week: IV. declination, declination V.

10th Week: vocabulary, repetition, running test

11th Week: body systems. The appearance of location, shape, texture, color. Habitus.

12th Week: pathological and clinical terminology

13th week: repetition + test

14th Week: Consultation Week

Study Objective:

The subject objective is to provide essential information about expression creation and collocation used in medical terminology.

Study materials:

Černý K.: Guide to BAssist. Profic Medical Terminology, Karolinum, Praha, 2015, ISBN 978-8-024-63081-6, 202 pp.

The Language of Medicine. Elsevier Inc., Missouri, 2017. ISBN 978-0-323-37081-3

Medical Dictionary. Merriam-Webster Inc., Martinsburg. ISBN 978-0-87779-294-9. 870 pp.

The course is a part of the following study plans: