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F7ABBMEC - Mechanics

Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7ABBMEC Z,ZK 4 2P+2L English
Matej Daniel, Tomáš Goldmann
Martin Havránek
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Students will get acquainted with the following areas of mechanics: General physical equations, Newton's laws, statics and dynamics. Force and moment effect - decomposition, replacement. Equilibrium of a force system in a plane and space - equation of equilibrium, systems into equilibrium. Reactions on statically determined systems - motion restrictions, spatial and planar constraints, solution of reactions. Static moment, center of gravity and center of area. Spatial moment of inertia - kinetic energy of rotational motion, product moment, momentum, law of conservation of momentum. Second moment of area - product moment, polar moment, Mohr circle, main moments of inertia, ellipse of inertia. Internal static effects - beam, system of plates, course of internal static effects, kinematic method, statically indeterminate problems. Mechanical properties of materials - tests of mechanical properties, stresses and deformations, Hooke's law. Stress and strain - uniaxial and biaxial stress state, simple bending, bending curve, torsional stress, cross-section design, thin-walled cross-sections, combined stress, nonlinear models. Buckling strength - critical load, stability of members, calculation of cross section. Tests of hardness, adhesion, toughness, tribological.


Credit conditions - participation in exercises at least 70%,

Exam: fulfillment of credit conditions, demonstration of knowledge corresponding to the lectured material in the form of a written test containing both theoretical questions (three) and numerical examples (three). The written test will be evaluated by points. The student can get 0.5 or 1 point from each answer. To obtain E, a min. number of 3 points, 5 or more points are needed to get A. In the case of an ambiguous classification level, an oral exam will follow.

The questions for the exam are from the following areas:

Statics and dynamics, volume and cross-sectional characteristics, material properties and material tests, theory of strength and elasticity.

Questions related to numerous examples correspond to the examples given in the scripts of Selected Chapters from Experimental Biomechanics (Kutílek, Žižka).

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Basic physics equations, Newton's laws, statics and dynamics.

2. Force and torque effects and operations with them.

3. The balance, center of area and mass, equations of equilibrium.

4. Reactions, static systems, movement restrictions, reaction solutions.

5. Torque,moment of inertia, rotation.

6. Angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum.

7. Surface moment of inertia, principal moments of inertia, polar moment, Mohr's circle, ellipse of inertia.

8. Static analysis of beam, internal effects, kinematic method, statically indeterminate problems.

9. Mechanical properties of materials, testing of mechanical properties, stress and strain, Hooke's law.

10. Stress of the material, uniaxial and biaxial stress state, bending.

11. Torsion stress, polar moment.

12. Combined stress,

13. Critical load, the stability of rods.

14. Hardness test, adhesion, tribology.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Basic physics equations, Newton's laws, statics and dynamics.

2. Force and torque effects and operations with them.

3. The balance, center of area and mass, equations of equilibrium.

4. Reactions, static systems, movement restrictions, reaction solutions.

5. Torque,moment of inertia, rotation.

6. Angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum.

7. Surface moment of inertia, principal moments of inertia, polar moment, Mohr's circle, ellipse of inertia.

8. Static analysis of beam, internal effects, kinematic method, statically indeterminate problems.

9. Mechanical properties of materials, testing of mechanical properties, stress and strain, Hooke's law.

10. Stress of the material, uniaxial and biaxial stress state, bending.

11. Torsion stress, polar moment.

12. Combined stress,

13. Critical load, the stability of rods.

14. Hardness test, adhesion, tribology.

Study Objective:

The course is intended for all students who need to complete their knowledge of the mechanics of bobjects, systems and theories of strength. The content is chosen so as to be sufficient to understand and master the issues in related subjects, especially the subject Biomechanics, Robotics, Rehabilitation Engineering.¨

Study materials:

1. Fa-Hwa Cheng, Statics and Strength of Materials, New York: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

2. Kutílek, P., Žižka, A. Selected Chapters from Experimental Biomechanics. 1. Vydání.Praha: Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2012, 165 s., ISBN 978-80-01-05114-6.

The course is a part of the following study plans:

Methodological manual or study support: 
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