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F7ABBEO - Electronic Circuits

Support of the course study within the LMS Moodle - see link here

Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7ABBEO Z,ZK 4 2P+2C English
Pavel Máša
Tomáš Dřížďal, Ondřej Fišer, Pavel Máša, Marek Novák
Department of Biomedical Technology

The course provides a basic orientation in the principles of electronic circuits used in electronic laboratory and medical devices. It provides a prerequisite for the skilled operation of analogue and digital instrumentation.


Course entry requirements:

Successful completion of Theoretical Electrical Engineering.

Exit Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Competencies:

Students will become familiar with functional electronic blocks that are used in the design of laboratory and medical instruments. The course will prepare them to competently assess the basic properties and parameters of electronic devices.


The examination evaluation is composed of the points gained during the semester, the scores of the written part of the examination and the evaluation of the interview, which is part of the examination.

A condition for entry to each of the laboratory measurements is to pass an entry quiz consisting of two questions (see PDF below for a full list of questions including the conditions for passing the test).

Students will turn in a report of one of the lab measurements no later than January 4, 2024. Reports submitted after this date will not be considered. Protocols will be graded from 0 to 10 points. In case of a score lower than 5 points, the protocol will be returned for revision. The maximum score that can be obtained after reworking is 5 out of 10.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Amplifier - voltage, current, power amplification, AC and DC coupling

2. Feedback - positive, negative, effect of ZV on amplifier parameters

3. Operational amplifier - ideal circuit element

4. Real operational amplifier - static parameters, dynamic parameters, frequency dependence

5. DC power supplies - batteries, accumulators, rectifiers, inverters

6. Comparator - basic parameters, electronic circuit of comparator,

7. Shape oscillator, sine wave oscillator LC and RC, voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)

8. Combinatorial logic function - forms of combinatorial function notation

9. Sequential logic function - synchronous and asynchronous operation of a sequential circuit

10. Integrated semiconductor logic functions - technological families of semiconductor logic circuits electrical parameters

11. Semiconductor memories - format of stored data, chip and memory block capacity

12. Data storage principle - memory cell permanent, quasi-permanent, volatile static and dynamic

13. Analog signal transmission and processing chain, sampling frequency, quantization

14. Basic principles of A/D and D/A conversion, resistive D/A converter, PWM D/A converter

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Repetition of the basics of theoretical electrical engineering - circuit quantities, elements, basic laws. Amplifier - amplification

voltage, current, power, frequency dependence

2. Operational amplifier - ideal circuit element, basic structures of amplifiers, calculation of amplification, integrator.

3. Basic calculations in circuits with ideal operational amplifier. Introduction to means for experiments with

electronic components

4. Real operational amplifier - static and dynamic parameters. Parameters of the most common integrated operational amplifiers.

amplifiers. Special operational amplifiers. LAB - Verification of DC characteristics of an operational amplifier circuit.

OP 27. Connection of inverting and non-inverting circuit, connection of summing circuit. Verification of real

ratios at the terminals of the circuit.

DC power supplies - batteries, accumulators, rectifiers, stabilisers, calculations of required

diode parameters, orientation in catalogue data Measurements on a simple rectifier and stabilising circuit with

Zener diode.

6. DC power supplies - switching power supplies and converters, charge pump. Description of operation, characteristics

integrated circuits from catalogues. LAB - Wiring and basic measurements on a three-source regulator and DC/DC


7. Comparator - parameters, use of OZ, comparator with hysteresis - calculation, generators - calculation, oscillators - calculation.

8. Combinational logic functions - forms of notation, algebra, logical terms, elementary operations in algebra of logic functions.

LAB - Constructing a combinational circuit according to a given truth table. Verification.

9. Integrated logic members - elementary NAND and NOR members, integrated logic functions, el. parameters

10. Sequential logic function - synchronous and asynchronous operation of sequential circuit. LAB - Building a sequential

circuit - counter in Gray code

11. Semiconductor memories - data format, capacity, data access, data storage principle. Address decoding in an array.

memory chips.

Study Objective:

The course provides a basic orientation in the principles of electronic circuits used in electronic laboratory and medical devices. It creates a prerequisite for qualified operation of analogue and digital instrumentation.

Study materials:
The course is a part of the following study plans:

Lectures - link: 

Timeschedule F7ABBEO lectures in WS AY 2024/2025 |

PDF icon Lab 1265.15 KB
PDF icon Lab 2271.44 KB
PDF icon Lab 3217.8 KB
PDF icon Lab 4277.2 KB
PDF icon Lab 5169.59 KB

Exercises - link: 

Timeschedule F7ABBEO excercise in WS AY 202/2025 |