Exercise Notice posted on Su 11th September 2022
The actual Müse SW in the form of a trial, i.e. a free version for 90 days, including instructions on how to install Müse SW and Müse Viewer by computer platform are available here. You can also use your laptop during the initial exercises.
Assoc. Prof. Jiří Hozman, Ph.D., course guarantor
The whole body patient simulators manufacturer CAE Healthcare (orig. METI) | http://www.caehealthcare.com
The whole body patient simulators manufacturer Laerdal | http://www.laerdal.com
The whole body patient simulators manufacturer Gaumard | http://www.gaumard.com
Lectures time schedule for AY2022/2023 WS | https://harm.fbmi.cvut.cz/B221/17ABBPPSA/lec
Exercises/tutorials time schedule for AY2022/2023 WS | https://harm.fbmi.cvut.cz/B221/17ABBPPSA/lab