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17ADBPBA - Advanced Microprocessor based Biomedical Applications

Code Completion Credits Range Language
17ADBPBA ZK 5 2P English
Department of Information and Communication Technology in Medicine

Summary of the contemporary embedded microprocessor-based applications in biomedical engineering.and medicine. Principles and structure of microcontrollers. Logical circuits, interfacing. Interconnection with common peripheral devices: digital inputs/outputs. Interrupt controller, Timers and counters.A/D and D/A converters, modern analog frontends.Serial and parallel communication interfaces (UART, SPI, I2C). Wireless communication using WIFI, Bluetooth LE, GSM LTE, ZigBee, XBee modules. Examples of embedded systems on architectures ATMEL ATMega, ARM Cortex M0m M3 and M4 . Introduction to multiplatform software development for embedded systems. Remote debugging in embedded systems, JTAG and SWD interfaces Implementation of selected signal-processing algorithms in embedded systems (real-time data acquisition, FFT, SFFT) Examples of real-time extraction features and classification of biomedical signals in embedded systems. Examples of design and implementation of FIR and IIR filters in embedded systems.


Teaching takes place in the form of self-study with regular consultations. In addition to the examination, a written study is required by the student on the subject.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Summary of the contemporary embedded microprocessor-based applications in biomedical engineering.and medicine.

2. Principles and structure of microcontrollers.

3. Logical circuits, interfacing.

4. Interconnection with common peripheral devices: digital inputs/outputs.

5. Interrupt controller, Timers and counters.

6. A/D and D/A converters, modern analog frontends.

7. Serial and parallel communication interfaces (UART, SPI, I2C).

8. Wireless communication using WIFI, Bluetooth LE, GSM LTE, ZigBee, XBee modules.

9. Examples of embedded systems on architectures ATMEL ATMega, ARM Cortex M0m M3 and M4 .

10. Introduction to multiplatform software development for embedded systems.

11. Remote debugging in embedded systems, JTAG and SWD interfaces

12. Implementation of selected signal-processing algorithms in embedded systems (real-time data acquisition, FFT, SFFT)

13. Examples of real-time extraction features and classification of biomedical signals in embedded systems.

14. Examples of design and implementation of FIR and IIR filters in embedded systems.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

Orientation in modern microporcessor families and wireless connectivity technologies.

Basic abitity to design simple microprocessor systems for biomedical embedded devices, including basics of the programming of microcontrrollers. Practical approach to digitisation, transmission and data-processing of biological signals.

Study materials:


[1] Oppenheim: Digital Signal Processing, Pearson 2015.

[2] Kernighan, Ritchie: Programovací jazyk C (reedice podle standardu ANSI C), Computer Press 2008.


[3] Alessio, S.M.: Digital Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis for Scientists, Springer 2016.

[4] Mahmood, N.: Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill 2014.

[5] William H. Press et al.: Numerical Recipes in C (3th edition), Cambridge University Press 2007.

The course is a part of the following study plans: